We Have Broken Drift

Hello and welcome to BrokenDrift.

There are a few things I would like to share with you that will hopefully give you an incite as to who I am and why I do what I do.

First off I'm of the opinion that "our world" has become so obsessed with wealth and material status  that I wish to have no part of it. I have no job, no beliefs, no aspirations of grandeur, I only wish that more felt the same.

We're conditioned to "get a job, get a girl, get a life" but surely there is more to life than this?

We stand by as corporations destroy our forests, pollute the air and burn up the worlds resources. Essentially you and I are powerless to stop this but its likely to effect us the most. For with money comes power and the rich elite will always be safe while the rest of us struggle to make ends meat.

Currently people all over the world are suffering from war, famine, disease and poverty. Weather it be ideological differences, racial discrimination or the struggle of power structures. It's all meaningless and a total waste of time, resources and human energy.

We should be working together to make the planet as self sustaining as possible, there needs to be food, medicine and education for everybody on the planet. We need the greatest minds humanity has to offer, working towards the good of mankind and our environment.

I've come to the conclusion that the only thing that provides me with genuine satisfaction is "creation". Weather it be a picture, a song, or just doing a favor for someone. This is why I have started the BrokenDrift concept, I want to share my ideas and creations with the world.

You're God is within you - You are everything - Everything is one.

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